Interview with Indieactivity

In 2018, Indieactivity reached out to me about doing an interview to discuss making short films. I agreed, sent in my responses, and didn’t hear back from them until just a few days ago! They were very kind and apologetic, explaining to me that my interview got overlooked because of an error.

That was honestly a huge relief—because all this time, I’d thought they weren’t happy with my answers! What’s more, they even gave me the generous opportunity to update some of my answers since quite a lot has changed since 2018!

If you want to read more about making movies on the weekends, my upcoming short film “Two Young Men,” and which actor I’d most like to ride the coattails of…

Read the Whole Thing Here.

Also, check out these graphics! Prime inspirational couch cushion material if I ever saw it, right?
